Running Forever activity this week was a case of the long and the short of it! Andy Higham made the trip to the North Yorkshire Moors to take on the Hardmoors 55 ultra. With a lot of ascent and not the best of weather, Andy completed the 55 miles in 14.09.Tuesday night saw Nick Brazier travel to Exmouth for the first race in the Run Exe Winter 5 mile series and earn himself a PB of 33.24 for the distance. Even though events are still scarce, the Club members are still very active with organised groups taking to the streets and trails on Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday, with a coached session on a Monday. As an English Athletics affiliated Club, all our runs are open to a maximum of 10 athletes per session, as per the EA guidelines for organised outdoor sport during Covid restrictions. These runs are open to club members only and must be booked via our online system. We are always happy to welcome new members to our incredibly supportive Club with memberships from £10 per year.