It was back to marathon distance for a trio of runners this weekend, none of this breaking yourself in gently for the Running Forever athletes.
Georgina Brice took on the Gloucester Marathon and was delighted with her 4.52 finish. Heather Pearce achieved a 1.35 PB in the Half whilst Lee Macklin crossed the line in 2.04.
Bev Collins and Andy Burgess headed for the Plym Trail Winter Marathon weekend where Bev was back on the podium with her 4.04 time, taking 2nd female place, and Andy had a great 3.40 finish on Sunday.
Down in sunny Exeter, a trio of members took part in the South West Road Runners First Chance 10K. Andy Staples crossed the line in 39.36, Rob Williams in 55.22; with Pat Pike finishing in 75 minutes.
Our parkrunning members went to Burnham (well done on the PB Ola Timpson), Montacute, Rogiet, Plym Valley, Minehead, Catterick, Killerton and the oddly named Peter Pan. Twenty three took on Longrun Meadow where Kirsti Nelson recorded her 200th run and Craig Moore scored himself a PB on what must have been a very soggy course.